About US

We strive to ensure that the full ecosystem (parents, educators, community members, and partners) that surrounds young people from Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous communities develop an asset mindset that sees and cultivates the academic capital in our collective community.
We imagine a world where all young people thrive and will be the catalyst for change.

Vision Fully Realized

Mo-saiq will change the narrative by preparing Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous youth for rigorous academic studies, STEM careers, and entrepreneurship. This transformation envisions a world with diverse entrepreneurs and executives, a shift towards intellectual curiosity among people of color, greater access to previously closed career fields, and enhanced social capital through inclusive networks.


Mo-saiq is committed to cultivating the learning and social capital of young people from Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous communities through advanced coursework, career advising, and a supportive network approach.

OUR Values

Cultural Affirmation: We aim to affirm and celebrate the diverse experiences of people of color in the U.S. and worldwide, promoting cultural pride and recognition without erasing their unique stories.

Building Capital: We wholeheartedly endorse opportunities for young individuals to build both learning and social capital within a nurturing and interconnected environment

Equitable Access: We advocate for equitable access to advanced learning opportunities and career exposure for young people from culturally diverse communities that have historically faced marginalization

Intergenerational Community: We embrace an “Ecosystem Approach,” where every person plays a role. We are founded on trust, openness, information sharing, and a dedicated commitment to supporting Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous communities.

Radical Improvement: We pursue excellence and innovation in all our endeavors to serve diverse young people and communities.

Meet the team